5:36 PM
Norma Devlin
We will be happy to join Henry on such a special occasion.
3:22 PM
kathy pluim
Hi Henry I love the music. Have a wonderful day.Love Gramma Kathy
The Krafts
Mazel Tov Henry and entire Pluim family!
3:34 PM
kathy pluim
We want to see Henry dancing! 🙂
So fun!!
3:41 PM
Rachel Grow
Looks like a fun time Henry! Enjoy your special day! Happy Bar Mitzvah!
Judith Grow
Looks like so much fun!!! Wish we could have been with you but we did love sharing all the festivities remotely! Love you Henry. Aunt Judi and Uncle Jeff !!!
4:30 PM
Ben Wingrove
fun…love the onewheel…

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